A school district has many responsibilities and challenges to address every day. Among them: providing a safe learning environment for their students and faculty. This includes things they can see—and the things they cannot. Poor indoor air quality is one of the unseen dangers that can hinder staff and students alike.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) determined that 1 in 13 children suffer from asthma, which is a leading cause of school absenteeism. Exposure to commons allergens found in schools such as dust, pests and molds can lead to triggering asthma symptoms. These problems affecting indoor air quality can also lead to other ones including reduced performance and liability issues.
Fortunately, modern air filtration systems can help reduce harmful allergens and viruses. Having partnered with schools for more than 10 years, Best Mechanical is equipped with the knowledge and professionals to address your indoor air quality needs. Contact us today to learn more about improving the air in your school.